[ENG] CS:GO steam update problem

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  • Hello, i have a problem with CS:GO server setup.

    After i've added the client, server, and game, the server won't get up to date.

    I tried to put -autoupdate in commandline, without luck.

    I have no clue on how to get further from here.

    I hope someone can help me. Thanks.

  • Hi,

    1.) create a file named csgo.sh and fill it with this content:

    mkdir update
    cd update
    wget http://media.steampowered.com/client/steamcmd_linux.tar.gz
    tar xvfz steamcmd_linux.tar.gz
    sleep 5
    ./steamcmd.sh +login anonymous +force_install_dir ../ +app_update 740 validate +exit
    sleep 5
    cd ../
    rm -r update

    2.) Now you have to upload the file somewhere on your webspace.

    3.) You need to edit the CSGO entry in your TekBASE admin panel gamelist. Take this as your upgradescript:

    wget http://YOURURLS.com/csgo.sh;chmod 777 csgo.sh;./csgo.sh;rm csgo.sh

    4.) Now you can quickly update your gameservers by one-klick in members area.

  • I will try this out and let you know how it goes. Thank you!

    A friend of mine tells me that this is not automatically updating the server, and i would have to manually do it everytime. This is not very useful if i am away.

    Can you make this work automatically or something else of use?

    Hello i can't seem to get your script to work.

    I made the file and put it into the website folder, and then i changed the CS:GO gamelist:

    I then stopped and started my server, but i still cannot connect to it, i get thrown out.

  • Please dont do double posts. I have merged your three posts.

    Read 4.) in my post above. This is not a autoupdate function. I haven't said anything about autoupdate...

  • Zitat von GSXH.de

    Please dont do double posts. I have merged your three posts.

    Read 4.) in my post above. This is not a autoupdate function. I haven't said anything about autoupdate...

    I apologize, and will remember that.

    I also forgot to mention that i tried to update click through the customer user panel, waited 10min, and made a restart but server is still offline.

    Any ideas?

  • I run Debian 64bit.

    And no there's not an update folder within the server folder.